"...emerging markets will grow faster than the
developed world for decades to come."

Gideon Rachman, The Financial Times

Frontier Market

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Blurring the Lines Between Emerging-, Frontier- and Developed-Market Stocks 9

There has been some convergence in terms of how one might classify emerging-, frontier- or developed-market companies—and how they might fit into investors’ portfolios. Recently, we have noted an increase in liquidity and transparency of many frontier-market stocks (the smaller

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Understanding frontier market risks 9

US regulator warns investors that in spite of potential for higher returns, they should be aware of frontier market risks The standard warning for all investments – whether they are made in developed, emerging or frontier markets – is the higher

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Winds of Change in Saudi Arabia Investment Climate 5,467

The winds of change are blowing in Saudi Arabia, carrying the potential to dramatically shift the investment climate there. One of the most anticipated financial events in the Middle East region seems as if it could finally come to pass

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Nigeria: An African Giant 53

I’ve been a frontier market fan for some time now, especially when it comes to Africa, and particularly when it comes to investing in Nigeria. On May 7-9, Abuja, Nigeria, had the honour of hosting the World Economic Forum on

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Frontier Markets Find Footing 3

Frontier markets remain in focus for the Templeton Emerging Markets Group in 2014, and my team and I have spent the early part of the year exploring potential investment opportunities in a number of them. I generally spend about a

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United Arab Emirates: An Emerging Market Melting Pot 6

The investable Middle East/North Africa region known as “MENA” encompasses 11 diverse countries, extending from Oman to Morocco, and also includes Bahrain, Egypt, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Tunisia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE). I recently had the

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Is African economic growth finally ready to take off? 512

Long seen as “too risky,” African economic growth is moving forward at a remarkable pace Africa has experienced a sea change over the past decade and has more or less shed its image of being “too risky.” And although challenges

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Look to frontier markets for clients who can stomach risk 15

Once relatively inaccessible to foreigners, frontier markets are increasingly gaining the attention of investors who are willing to assume greater risks for the opportunity to obtain greater rewards. Countries that are less developed than emerging markets present opportunities because of

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The EU12 – Newest EU members struggle with convergence 8

Although the EU12 face risks associated with a slowing western Europe and a stronger euro, there are positive signs On the surface, the future of the enlarged European Union’s 12 newest members (collectively known as the EU12) appears bright as

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European emerging markets turning the corner 12

The economies and stock markets of European emerging markets, specifically the eastern and central European countries that became EU members in 2004 are flourishing. But political malaise and instability, combined with structural weaknesses and inefficiencies, are undermining their convergence with

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